
Gas station simulator easy money
Gas station simulator easy money

(I think it is moonshine.)Ĭustomers want the place to be tidy, so you have to sweep the floors and pick up rubbish, but then they don’t like to be kept waiting at the pumps, and become enraged when you make an error ringing their food purchases through. It’s a nightmare trying to fix someone’s carburettor when there is a queue of people in the store waiting to purchase bottles of something called Aunt Betty’s tonic, which is inexplicably popular with the locals.

gas station simulator easy money

You can expand the station by opening a workshop and a car wash and extending your range of retail goods, but this all adds to the stress. First you need to clear the place up – unboard the windows, fix the electrics and throw away a lot of junk (which is extremely satisfying) – but then you’re down to the real business: filling tanks, serving customers at the till and ordering in petrol and snack deliveries. OK, so it’s hardly a BP garage on the North Circular, but the basics are similar. For those who want to know more, there’s a game for that.įortuitously released just a few weeks before the crisis, and currently one of the most streamed games on Twitch, Gas Station Simulator has you taking over a dilapidated fuel stop just off Route 66 in the middle of the desert. It’s a career many of us probably hadn’t thought much about before this troubling new subplot in the ongoing Brexit/Covid drama, but has now become a countrywide concern.

#Gas station simulator easy money drivers

Petrol station managers throughout Britain have had to cope with snaking queues, angry customers and even forecourt fist fights, as the shortage of HGV drivers took its toll. T he fuel crisis has brought the rigours of one particular profession into sharp focus this month.

Gas station simulator easy money